What to expect from our preemployment hearing test services ?
Our pre employment hearing tests are consistent with the standards outlined by the procedures in AS/NZS 1269.4:2014:Occupational noise management–Auditory assessment.
We will provide a baseline audiogram that can be used to compare future audiograms. Simply send your employees to Adaptive Hearing and one of our accredited audiologist/audiometrist will then carry out the pre employment hearing test. Each test should not be longer than 15 minutes. Upon conclusion of the test we will forward the hearing test results to your nominated doctor.
Your obligation as an employer for audiometric testing
In accordance with Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation 58:
Employers have a duty to provide audiometric testing for a worker if the worker is required to frequently use personal hearing protectorsas a control measurefor noise that exceeds the exposure standard.
Audiometric testing must be provided within three months of the worker commencing work where hearing protectorsis required.
Regular follow–up tests must be carried out at least every two years.
More frequent audiometric testingmay be needed if exposures are at a highLAeq,8h, which is equaltoor greater than 100 dB(A).